"Pandemic Math" - A Video To Help Ease Your Nerves (It Did Mine- A LOT!)

Thank Goodness for Dave Asprey. If you've ever heard of "Bulletproof Coffee"- he's the guy who created that. He's an author to countless books, including "The Bulletproof Diet" and "Super Human." I was actually supposed to go to his 3-day Biohacking seminar this upcoming weekend in LA, which was postponed to July because of the Coronavirus. (I mean, at this point, most occasions have been postponed until further notice. It's a very weird place to be.)

I follow Dave on Instagram and I REALLY loved this video he made. It's actually part 3 of a 3-part video series about the Coronavirus that he called "Pandemic Math." In the video, he demonstrated how people react to mortality estimates when a pandemic is involved. He broke it into 4 sections: population, the "magic number", the total number of people infected who self-report, and actual deaths from the virus.

The "magic number" is the number that is almost IMPOSSIBLE to report, and that's the people who have Covid-19 and don't know it, are asymptomatic, and recover on their own. There's no way I can do this video any justice, as I will mess up the technical terms. Please no angry emails.....all I know is this put my mind at ease a LOT. If there's something you've read, or seen, that's helped your anxiety, feel free to tag me online, I'd love to check it out!


Sandy (@SandyStec on FB, IG and FB)

Image Courtesy Of Getty Images

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