Darius, Lars, Dexter the Rabbit, Daisy & Zelda are available to adopt at Marin Humane, along with a ton of other amazing pets who deserve a great forever home!
Get to know Darius:
Darius recently came to us from Tehama county, so we're still getting to know him. If we could sum up Darius in one word it would be exuberant! He loves meeting new people and going on adventures. But sometimes his exuberance gets the best of him. He has the tendency to jump through the air on walks, just because he's excited to be on a walk. He occasionally jumps up on people he's excited to meet, too. But, luckily, Darius knows "sit" and offers it often. We think with enough consistency, and treats, Darius will learn to keep four on the floor for attention in no time. Since Darius is so bouncy, we think he would do best in a home with sturdy children. This could mean older children, like teenagers, or children that aren't phased if the dog accidentally knocks them over.
Get to know Lars:
Lars is a friendly and affectionate boy who loves spending time with you. He offers head bumps and body rubs and is happy to accept petting in exchange. He loves to be brushed with a soft brush, is very quick to purr and even lap sits when comfortable with you. Lars is very good at using his cardboard scratcher and his cat tree so it would be great if he had similar items at his new home.
According to his guardians in his last home, Lars loves kids of all ages and is sweet and gentle, but very afraid of men. Lars should live as an indoor-only cat because his white coloring and pink nose put him at risk for sunburn (and subsequent skin cancer). Please make sure he has a climbing structure, lots of interesting toys, and a window perch that looks out on the world.
Get to know Daisy & Zelda:
These two lovely ladies just arrived at the shelter. Daisy--the most confident of the two--came right out to greet us--giving us a lovely hello by rubbing against our legs and enjoying lots of petting. Once Daisy made her move to come out of hiding to see us, Zelda followed suit--although a bit more timidly. As Daisy gained more confidence in her new surroundings and explored her room, Zelda followed behind her. Zelda definitely waits for Daisy and watches for cues from her to let her know that all is ok with the world. We are excited to get to know these two lovely ladies more, but we are very impressed with them already!
Get to know Dexter:
Dexter is super full of energy and needs space inside to run around to get tired. Once he's neutered he'll be more mellow. Once tired he's even more gentle, sweet and enjoys being petted. He is also curious and enjoys exploring his surroundings. We think he'd be fine for any family.
Rabbits can be an excellent addition to any family but do require daily attention. And most importantly time out of their cage or x-pen set-up to run around. Keeping them indoors is the best for them because living outside can be lonely, cause illness or even worse. With the deadly rabbit virus now in our state, you definitely want to keep him inside. We'll be happy to educate you on how easy it is to have an indoor rabbit.
All rabbits do require a yearly vet exam. It's critical to make sure all of their teeth (front/inside) are growing properly, heart/ears/weight is where it should be and so much more. Rabbits are the third most common animal (after dogs, cats) surrendered to shelters. It's important for any rabbit adopter to make sure they can make the 10-12 year commitment and be able to provide proper care.
Rabbit's are crepuscular..which means they are most active in the morning, tend to sleep during the day and then active again late afternoon/early evening. All rabbits need time out of their enclosure to burn off energy and to kick up their feet! A long hallway or a room they haven't been in before will do the trick. Getting out of their enclosure for 2-3 hours a day is critical. Not only does it help with boredom, but it helps with moving their food through their delicate system.
Dexter should eat unlimited amounts of Timothy, Oat Hay and/or Orchard Grass hay, 2-3 tablespoons of pellets (no dried fruit or nut mixes), a small handful of veggies and an occasional piece of fruit is fine.
Tune into Marcus & Sandy every Friday to meet another animal that could be your family's next pet.
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