Kismet, Tammy, Momma Mia, and Lars are available to adopt at Marin Humane, along with a ton of other amazing pets who deserve a great forever home!
Get to know Kismet:
Kismet is a 10-month-old mini Rex bunny who's been patiently waiting for her forever home for more than five months!
There are so, so many bunnies looking for homes that it can take a long time for them to get adopted, and poor Kismet is no exception. But she knows her perfect family is out there looking, and soon will find her. Kismet can be shy at first but give her some time and a good routine and her personality will shine, just like her soft fur. She will run to the edge of her x-pen to greet her foster parents now and absolutely loves to play with cardboard boxes. She would probably be best suited for an experienced rabbit guardian but could go home as a "first bunny" for someone willing to do their homework and who has the patience to help her adjust to a new environment. Take a chance on her and we know you'll soon be saying your love match was truly "Kismet!"
Get to know Momma Mia:
All done with the duties of motherhood and with her sweet kittens adopted, Momma Mia is now looking for a forever home of her own. She is a lovely, 1-year-old kitty who enjoys ear and chin scratches, warm sunny places to sleep, and some playtime with her people.
Momma Mia was a very playful girl when her kittens were around - lots of wand toy play, zoomies, and chasing jingle balls, and tossing them up in the air. It took her a little time to adjust to the single life but she's now back to her playful self, enjoying a rousing game of play with her favorite wand toy!
She's a bit on the shy side and will need some time to acclimate to her new home. Momma Mia's been through a lot of changes in her short life but she's now ready for the next chapter!
Get to know Tammy:
Tammy is a 10-year-old gal who's an adorable little dog but, like most of us, has her quirks.
Tammy spends her days being office fostered by staff members so they've gotten to know her quite well, and Tammy has shown that she is extremely loving and full of character. She enjoys sunbathing, walks, sitting in the laps of her favorite humans, treats, more treats, and did we say treats? She is house-trained and crate trained - a huge bonus! But not everyone is perfect. To be friends with Tammy, you need plenty of time and patience, and of course lots of treats.
When you earn the privilege of being one of Tammy's favorite humans, she'll seek out affection and even jump into your lap, jump up to kiss you, tap her two front feet when she sees you. and sometimes even do a cute little howl when she's excited. Not to mention her adorable tail, that thing wags at the speed of light when someone she loves walks into the room!
It takes a dog-savvy person to understand Tammy's body language; her queues are subtle, and if she's feeling overwhelmed and uncomfortable being touched by a new person, she'll let you know. Tammy is an amazing dog with those she is truly bonded with, it just takes work and patience. The staff members and volunteers who have been working with Tammy are adored by her, and they absolutely adore her. too. Tammy is in her golden years and would love to have a home and a lap to settle down in. It might seem like a lot to ask, but if you're willing to put in the time and work to win Tammy over on her terms, it will be well worth it to have this special lady in your life.
Get to know Lars:
Lars is a handsome 7-year-old tabby who's a friendly and affectionate boy. He offers head bumps and body rubs and is happy to accept petting in exchange. He loves to be brushed with a soft brush, is very quick to purr. and even lap sits when comfortable with you. Lars is very good at using his cardboard scratcher and his cat tree so it would be great if he had similar items at his new home.
According to his guardians in his last home, Lars loves kids of all ages and is sweet and gentle, but became afraid of men during a home construction project. Here at the shelter, Lars has enjoyed the company of some men, so we think he might be ok with quiet male cat whisperers. You can make an appointment to meet him, to see if Lars likes you. If he does, you will be welcomed with lots of rubbing. Lars should live as an indoor-only cat because his white coloring and pink nose put him at risk for sunburn (and subsequent skin cancer). Please make sure he has a climbing structure, lots of interesting toys, and a window perch that looks out on the world.
Tune into Marcus & Sandy every Friday to meet another animal that could be your family's next pet.
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