Rooster, Pinky, Little and Madison are available to adopt at Marin Humane, along with a ton of other amazing pets who deserve a great forever home!
Get to know Madison:
There are many characteristics that help a dog get adopted quickly- of which sweet Madison has few. People seem to want young dogs- Madison is older. They want small dogs- Madison is a big girl. They want flashy colors and markings- Madison is pretty plain in the coat department. They want "dog park dogs", Maddie says "no thank you I prefer humans". She's overweight and her teeth are worn and she's got some skin tags to boot.
So why would anyone want Madison? Because she has the biggest heart and the happiest spirit, something we all could learn from in this world of superficial looks and artificial personas. Maddie exudes joy and love and is blissfully unaware that she isn't a designer shih-malti-doodle-poo. She needs a family who just wants a nice dog to take for walks, throw the ball for her occasionally, and then spend the rest of the day napping in the sunshine or cuddling on the couch. She's nothing fancy but she's a good girl and as deserving of love as any dog, regardless of looks or pedigree.
Take a chance on Madison you will see just what everyone else has been missing out on.
Get to know Rooster:
Flyball and Agility afficionados look over here! Rooster is just the dog you've been searching for. This boy is your quintessential high-drive terrier extraordinaire. He is happy and confident, VERY active, high energy and has intense focus. Rooster as been training at one of Marin's finest dog training programs - Pen Pals of San Quentin. All his report cards are excellent. He loves training and is a fantastic student.
Rooster has not been his best self around other dogs, so he'll probably be most successful if he is the only dog in the home. He'll make a better hiking or running companion than a would-be brawler at the dog park. Other dogs and their guardians will thank you. Rooster's San Quentin trainer reports great improvement when walking as Rooster is learning to ignore other dogs and focus on his human companion. Rooster loves fetch above all else - an excellent way to expend his vast supply of energy (if only you could bottle it and sell it). His peeps should be prepared to walk with a tug toy or ball to keep him busy and focused.
If you've ever dreamed about joining the local canine Flyball team or wanted to try your hand at agility, and if you have a soft spot for smart and hearty dogs, your ship may have just come in. Rooster is on deck!
Get to know Pinky:
*** ADOPTION FEE PAID ***Pinky is a wonderful senior guy. He is social and friendly without being demanding. He likes to interact at his own pace--offering head bunts and body rubs. He enjoys ear rubs and head scratches in short doses--too much petting gets him a little over stimulated. Pinky has a "happy" place cubby where he likes hang out, purr and make biscuits and if the world gets too busy outside his room--that is where you will find him. He loves treats of all kinds and loves to play. You will be surprised just how much this senior boy loves to chase the cat catcher mouse toy!
Get to know Little:
Little was saved from a rabbit meat farm. But sadly her savior had to move and couldn't take her. She's young and if well cared for should live to be 10-12 years of age. She has many years of love and fun to give to one fortunate family.
She's been in a foster home for several weeks and here's what her foster "mom" say's about her: Little might be a bit apprehensive at first, but after a days or two of settling into her new environment, she'll be a curious explorer. She's mild-mannered and friendly and takes treats from the hand. She loves to "binky" outside her cage but will also settle down and lounge around. Though not a "lap bunny", she'll accept gentle head scritches and gently approaches people she knows... after all, they might have some food!
Tune into Marcus & Sandy every Friday to meet another animal that could be your family's next pet.
Star 101.3 Presents: Furry Fridays!
Help a deserving pet find a forever home...Every Friday morning during #FurryFridays with Marcus & Sandy at 9:05am!