Meet Pets From Muttville Senior Dog Rescue On Furry Fridays!

These pets are available to adopt, along with a ton of other amazing dogs at Muttville Senior Dog Rescue who deserve a great forever home!

Get to know Dino:

Dino has the ability to hear aliens walking around on the moon. His satellite shaped ears give him super sonic hearing and allows him to detect extra terrestrial life across the galaxies! NASA even just hired him for a top secret mission. Dino may be one of the most smartest, most handsome, and the most regal dogs we have ever seen on planet earth. Your job – (if you choose to except)- is to love him unconditionally and give him the best life that he deserves! Who knows, he might even share some top secret space information with you.

Dino is hospice due to the following medical conditions: limited mobility & severe arthritis in his hind end.

Here’s what his foster has to say!

Dino is such an affectionate and handsome ragazzo, who is always smiling and showing off those giant fuzzy ears of his. While he might look like a wolf, he’s really just a (very) big cuddle bug who loves to be cozy and enjoy la dolce vita with his famiglia at home.

I’ll admit that the hospice label was new and a little intimidating for me too, but what you’re getting with Dino is a relentlessly happy and expressive pal who just happens to be a bit clumsy sometimes. Care should be taken to keep his walks quite short with his weak back legs, because loves going outside and he’ll try to keep going! And while he’s not as spry as he used to be, that doesn’t stop him from jumping up on the couch or into bed, or even doing little bunny hops when he’s really excited (mostly dinner time). I try to get him to slow down a little, but he has quite the indomitable spirit!

He has quickly made my home his own and is very gentle, though he might bump into things since he’s not as agile as he used to be. He hasn’t disturbed anything he isn’t supposed to and I have yet to hear him bark at all. The few times we’ve run into others, he is very friendly with both humans and dogs. And I’m not making this up – I’m pretty sure one of his favorite things to do is watch the news on the couch. One time he went over and hopped up just in time to catch the closing bell of the New York Stock Exchange, though I strongly suspect his portfolio is mostly chicken jerky and Greenies. According to my doggie cam, this is how he passes the time when I have to go out and run errands. He doesn’t love being left alone, but we’re working on it and he’s making progress!

If you have room in your home and a lack of stairs, Dino really would make an amazing companion. He is completely unaware of any limitations and I can assure you that his optimism is contagious!

Get to know Nate:

Anyone looking for a perfect shaped body pillow you must adopt Nate! He has the perfect amount of chunk to keep you in an upright position, and just enough roundness to wrap your arms around. Whatever you’re into, Nate will be there to always support you and keep you company. Even though he likes to lounge it up and his body resembles a Russet potato, he is still a pretty active Mini-Pin who has no issues getting around. Maybe on ya’lls next dinner and a movie night, encourage him to pass on the egg rolls!

Here’s some notes from his foster:

Nate is an endearing guy and lovely doggie companion with adorable "bat ears. He wants to be where you are. Nate will follow you from room to room. So, he would love to find a home where he can spend a lot of time with his human. At night he loves to snuggle close, sharing his doggie warmth. He will sleep through the night though I do let him out early in the morning to go pee. After he gets to know you he will seek out your lap and share his affection via some sweet licks to your face.

Nate also enjoys car rides and exploring new places. He manages a fairly brisk pace (when he feels like it). Nate does need some help getting on the bed or couch. He manages via a simple doggie staircase at my house. So, some stairs are okay but not a lot. He is game! Nate has already lost a couple of pounds (it shows!) and when he’s lost a bit more weight it will be easier for him to climb and be comfortable in general.

Speaking of weight, he is really interested in food :-) However, I give him food at meal time with no snacks (sorry, little guy, otherwise he’d be begging too much). Nate is house trained as long as he has opportunities to go outside regularly. He’s not keen on the rain really but will do his business outside with encouragement. Good boy! Not sure how well Nate hears anymore. He will definitely notice loud noises though.

Nate enjoys meeting new people. He’s not so keen on all other canines. He’s fine with a gentle sniff from another calm dog but he doesn’t like it if a dog is too rambunctious. He’s saving all the doggy love for his humans. Nate loves to have his back and butt scratched and if you happen to hit an achy part he will gently let you know. When I do pick Nate up (to put in the car) I do so carefully with full support and that works great. Nate does bark once in while (when he wants food mainly) but if you tell him to shhhh and ignore him he stops.

Nate’s current place to perch when I’m gone is the back of the couch looking out the window. When I come in the door he does a little happy dance. Who wouldn’t want to come home to such enthusiasm from a doggy pal?

Get to know Plum:

Have you ever witnessed a real sugar plum fairy gliding graciously across your hardwood floor? Well you haven’t met Plum. She is made of everything sweet and has the most squish factor just like a juicy ripe plum. She has the squishy Shih-Tzu face, with the most squishy and fluffy body. She’s got the bright white underbelly with a light brown top coat. The tips of her floppy ears seems to have been dipped in black paint. All of these finishing touches are just an added bonus to her friendly disposition. Plum is looking for her forever dance partner and someone to spend the upcoming holidays with. She is ready to twirl her way into your heart and home!

-Plum loves to snuggle on your lap-Plum is great with other dogs-Plum is a gentle and polite princess!

She is hospice due to the following medical conditions: advanced age, arthritis and a weak hind end

Get to know Jade & Emerald:

Jade and Emerald are strongly bonded, so we want to adopt them out together.

Nothing shines quite so bright as the sparkling friendship between Jade and Emerald. This fluffy duo is double the love, double the cute, and double the snuggles. Between Jade’s ultra cute apple-shaped noggin and Emerald’s snaggle tooth, these two will surely be TikTok famous in no time. The best part about hanging out with these little gems is watching Jade help Emerald feel confident and loved. Way to go ladies!

Here’s some notes from their foster:

Jade is a tail wagging social butterfly that loves to trot over and give you kisses! She helps Emerald have confidence to say hello to strangers and she loves to kiss her sister when they have been separated event for minutes. Jade can sometime be a little rabbit and sneak away but she tends to come back if you ask.

Emerald is a happy girl and loves belly rubs and long walks. She is currently working on her figure so she would benefit for these excursions but luckily she’s usually on her back ready to put the harness on.

These girls are always together and don’t bark, are house trained and enjoy other dogs. They are gentle around children and are well socialized all around.

These girls are the sweetest around and make great roomates! I love coming home to them bouncing with joy at my arrival! I know they will make a new family happy with a double dose of cute.

Tune into Marcus & Corey every Friday to meet more animals that could be your family's next pet!

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