Turns out that social media isn't too good for your mental health. I saw that coming. It's exhausting to keep up with the trending clothes, hair, concerts, bodies... The list is endless. I couldn't imagine what kind of stress you have as a teenager now. Do you get stressed out when you are on social media or do your kids?
'The Royal Society of Public Health asked 1,500 14 to 24 year-olds to rank several social media sites on fourteen different mental health metrics, ranging from bullying to body anxiety. Unsurprisingly, four out of the five sites looked at came in as a net negative for mental health, although YouTube manage to escape with a positive rating, presumably because nobody reads the comments. The site that got the most thumbs-down? Instagram, thanks to users’ problems with body image, the bullying you can experience, and the by-now notable cycle of “fear of missing out” that plagues any social media site.'-Dan Seitz, 'Instagram Is Destroying Your Mental Well-Being, According To Science', UPROXX
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