For the record, I ALWAYS get fired up about stories like this. I cannot understand why people don't take their vacation. We get SO LITTLE of it in the States anyways (European countries often get a full month off!) and it boggles my mind that people "forget" to use it! I get made fun of here because I'm ALWAYS planning a vacation. For me personally, I NEED to see new things. I need to be in nature. I need to be away from computers, technology, emails, etc. It's healthy and keeps me sane. Anyway, here are the top 5 cities (according to Project Time Off) that have the most unused vacation time:
1) Washington, DC
2) San Francisco, CA
3) Tampa, FL
4) Los Angeles, CA
5) Boston, MA
Do you use your vacation time? I hope so!! Get out there and enjoy life!
- Sandy (@SandyStec on FB, IG and Twitter)