People who bring their pets to work with them are 'more satisfied'...

'63 percent of employees in pet-friendly workplaces indicated they are "very satisfied" with their work environment – and this is nearly twice as many as those in workplaces where pets are not allowed' (Purina Pet A Work Report) I was surprised with that percentage.  We all know people LOVE their fur babies so I guess it makes sense. 

I think it would be awesome to have my dog here with me everyday! It would definitely make me more satisfied with my job.  She just brings happiness to everyone; dogs do that. 

Purina did some research and this was some of the stats they found:

  • Eight in ten people in pet-friendly workplaces also say that having a pet at work would make them feel more happy, relaxed and sociable
  • 65 percent of employees at pet-friendly workplaces say that it is important to them that a potential employer allows pets
  • 19 percent of cat owners in pet-friendly workplaces bring their cat to work daily; 20 percent of dog owners bring their dog daily
  • One in three people in non-pet-friendly workplaces wish they could bring their pet to work

Would you be happier if you got to bring your pet to work? Is your job pet-friendly? 


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