Meet The Pets From Marin Humane On This Week's Furry Fridays!

Anya, Patches, Nuala, Desmond, and Molly are available to adopt at Marin Humane, along with a ton of other amazing pets who deserve a great forever home!

Get to know Patches:

Patches came to Marin Humane after being hit by a car. Thankfully his wounds were only superficial, but it was clear he needed another form of healing. You see, Patches was absolutely terrified of people when he first arrived. It was almost as if he had never seen humans before and we were all terrifying aliens. But with a lot of patience and care, he really began to blossom. Finally it clicked that people can be great friends, and the real Patches began to emerge!

Patches is now in a foster home while he waits for his forever family. His foster mom reports that he is tolerant of her other small dogs (as long as they are respectful themselves), enjoys diving under the covers on the bed, and is making strides in learning about walking on a leash and house-training. He has a moderate energy level and is pretty easy to handle once he knows and trusts you.

Ideally his new guardian would have some experience with under-socialized dogs and the ability to be patient and help Patches continue to learn the way of the (human) world. He seems like an eager student who is really enjoying the process to becoming a great companion.


Get to know Anya:

Before coming to us, Anya lived in a less-than-ideal situation. She's now hoping to find a new family, one that's willing to take the time to show this sweet girl what The Good Life is all about.

Anya previously lived outdoors unattended, so she would routinely escape and take herself on neighborhood adventures. On her self-made outings she happily met strangers and other dogs, so we know she's pretty social (no cats or other small pets though, please!)

Because of her desire to explore, she will need to go to a secure home where she can't escape- her new adventures should only be WITH her family members. Anya is also still learning about being indoors, so will need a bit of patience adjusting to the change. But she is young and has a good heart so, with some training and consistency, we know this happy young lady will be the perfect companion for an active family.

Get to know Nuala:

Lovely Nuala is seeking a quiet household when she can be given time to settle in and be the only animal in your household. Once that'll have a beautiful cat near you for love and attention. She's currently in a foster home and here's what they tell us about her:

Get ready when you are resting on the couch for some extra attention. Nuala loves to give head butts and lean into you for petting. Her favorite toy is a wand toy with a mouse on the end and she's been very good using a scratching post. When she's really content she is quite the puuurrr machine! We started her off in a small room until she was comfortable with us which fortunately didn't take very long. She can be a little noise sensitive so a quieter environment would be best for her.Like many torties, Nuala isn't into being picked up.

Nuala likes a clean litter box (what cat doesn't) and we found out she's a "high shooter"! Make sure the box you get has high sides. We also discovered that she likes her quiet time. We'll often see her just hanging out near us and that suits her and us as well. We've really enjoyed having this beautiful, mature cat in our home. We are sure her forever family will too.


Get to know Desmond & Molly:

Desmond and Molly (Jones, hahahahaha) want to live "happy ever after" - not in the market place, but with you. These two cats have a story for the ages. You can ask around about that, but what we really want you to know is how wonderfully resilient and charming they are.

This mellow, bonded pair have adjusted beautifully to shelter life, however, what they really want is a home. Chances are, going home will constitute another adjustment period, but we have seen how well they embrace new surroundings and have every confidence they'll love being with you way more than they could ever love shelter life, as full of adoration and attention as it is (thank you Cat Pet Pals!)

Molly is a sweet girl who likes to purr, enjoys petting, ear rubs and happily making biscuits in her bed or on your lap. She also enjoys interactive wand toy play. Desmond is another champ in the "purrs loudly" camp, also loves ear rubs, snacks - specifically Churus and Temptations - and playtime. Both cats are Pet Pal favorites!

If you'd like to find out what all the gushing is about, give us a call. Desmond and Molly would love to purr for you. La la how their life goes on. Hopefully, with you!


Tune into Marcus & Sandy every Friday to meet another animal that could be your family's next pet.

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Star 101.3 Presents: Furry Fridays!

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