Dave Styles

Dave Styles is an on air host at 104.3 MYFM from 3pm-7pm! KBIG FM Los Angeles' More Music, More Variety radio stationFull Bio


These Are The Best Vegetables To Feed Your Children!

When you're a parent, you're always trying to create healthy eating habits for your children.

For all kids to grow healthy and strong, they need to eat their vegetables.

Well Nutritionist Frances Bargeman-Roth and mom of three said that "Some kids prefer raw veggies to cooked because they like the crunch, but each kid is different, and you'll likely have to offer several different varieties to your child to find a few they like."

Also if they refuse to eat certain veggies she said, "Studies show that young kids need to be introduced to a new food up to 20 times before they'll try it."

She continued saying, "Their tastes change over time. They may turn their noses up at Brussels sprouts now, but in six months, they may actually ask for them. The important thing is to be flexible, keep an open mind, and set a great example for them by eating a variety of healthy foods yourself, including veggies." 

She made a list of the top 10 best veggies for children:

1. Broccoli - Frances said, "Yes, it contains cancer-fighting phytonutrients, but these green stalks also contain plenty of calcium, which helps keep bones strong." 

2. Carrots - She noted, "These beta-carotene loaded stalks are generally a hit with kids and are perfect for dipping in hummus and other healthy dips."

3. Spinach - According to Frances, "While kids might not love this leafy green on its own, they may be willing to eat it baked into egg dishes, like frittatas, or on pizza. Spinach is rich in iron, but pair it with a vitamin-C rich food (like citrus or tomatoes) to help your kids absorb the mineral."

4. Sugar Snap Peas - Sugar snap peas make for an easy treat for kids to eat. She said, "Just trim the ends and they're ready to go. Kids love that they can eat the whole thing pod and all. Plus, they contain folate to promote healthy growth."

5. Mini Bell Peppers - "Peppers are an amazing source of vitamin C (one cup contains your day's worth) and have the natural sweetness kids like," Frances said. 

6. Persian Cucumbers (mini cucumbers) - "Cucumbers are hydrating, which is especially helpful during the warmer months. The Persian variety is smaller and less bitter, so you can keep the skin on."

7. Brussels Sprouts - Frances advised, "These little cabbages can definitely appeal to kids just don't boil them. That creates a strong cabbage-y flavor. It's better to roast or sauté them to bring our their natural sweetness. Brussels sprouts contain folate, vitamin C, and potassium."

8. Tomatoes - "Tomatoes have a substantial amount of beta-carotene, as well as vitamin C and the antioxidant lycopene," She said. "The great thing about tomatoes is that they're incredibly flavorful and sweet when they're in season. And cooked tomatoes are even higher in lycopene than fresh ones."

9. Butternut Squash - Frances says, "It's loaded with fiber, beta-carotene, and potassium. Roast it in chunks and try it on pizza."

10. Avocado - Even though it's technically a fruit, Frances suggested including this when it comes to your kids' vegetable intake: "This nutrient-dense food makes a wonderful first food for babies. It's high in fiber (half an avocado contains almost 5 grams), plus it's rich in heart-healthy fats, lutein, and potassium."

What do you think about these 10 veggies to feed your children?

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